El bee-bot vía "artefactos" de Claude
El “bee-bot” es un juego infantil educativo no particularmente barato. Así que he construido una versión web de la cosa en poco rato. En particular, le he dicho a Claude:
I want to create a webpage to play a version of the bee-bot game for children. In the main canvas there is a grid. In two random squares of the grid, there are a bee and a flower. The interface are four buttons with numbers 1-4, four arrows and a go button. The child needs to type the sequence of numbers and arrows and when the go button is pressed, the bee will move. Say, if the sequence is 2, up, 4, right, 2, the bee will move two squares, then turn up, advance 4 squares, turn right, and move two squares.
If the bee ends up in the flower, a message will congratulate the boy. If it doesn’t or if the bee gets out of the square, a message will ask him to play better the next time.
Can you build such an app? Use HTML with embedded Javascript.
El resultado de la primera y única iteración es este.
Pas mal.